
7 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Converting

You’ve just had your website’s design re-skinned or you’ve had your content re-written with SEO in mind… but your website isn’t converting. Why is that?

Here’s 7 reasons why your website isn’t converting and pushing customers away!

1. Is Your Design Out Dated?

When it comes to websites, the design is a major part when trying to get a sale and unfortunately unlike the old saying, people judge books by their cover. You should consider changing your design every 2-3 years because design preferences and technology changes every day!

In a study held by a psychologist and researcher Dr. Elizabeth Sillence talks about how the viewer is more likely to not trust your website if the design is dodgy, 94% of people to be exact. Just from that figure, you can tell that design matters. If your website’s design hasn’t been updated in the last 3 years, you need to consider a serious design facelift.

2. Viewers Finding Your Content Hard To Read?

On a related note, design isn’t everything. Your page has to have clear, well positioned text with appropriate colouring for the surroundings to optimise your reading experience.

As you can see form the above picture, colour means a lot. Font face and size is also very important. You have to suit the font to the design. You wouldn’t use size 20 comic sans on a corporate page.

3. Your Site Lacks Any Personality

You need to realise that when you write content for your website it needs to have a sense of personality to it. If your content reads like just anyone could have written it and slapped it on their site then it will push potential leads away!

4. Your Site Takes FOREVER To Load

When your site takes more than a couple seconds to load it can have a massive affect on customer viewings, with 40% abandoning a website if the website takes longer than 4 seconds to load!

5. Your Site Isn’t Responsive!

With Google’s newest algorithm change, sites that aren’t responsive will be penalised by not appearing on mobile searches. This change is made by altering the code of the website to react differently when viewed on a mobile or tablet.

Here is a tool supplied by Google to test if your website is mobile ready. If it turns out its not ready, you better act quickly.

6. Your Site Lacks a Call-To-Action

When a customer clicks on your website they expect a journey. A carefully strategized plan on how your website will lead potential customers into a way for them to contact you for your services or a way to buy services from the website. A good example of this is a “Call us now!” button or contact details included in the top header of the website.

Above, I have pointed out the main call-to-actions on our site.

7. Your Website Has Videos, But They Auto Play

Something that personally makes my blood boil is an auto-playing video on a website and the result of my anger just leaves me not wanting to go back to that website in the near future or even ever again.

Don’t get me wrong, a video on your website is a great way to show off your content, but if it’s going to bother me every time I click onto a page then I’m going to enjoy leaving the site. Just don ‘t do it.


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