
How To: Quick Guide to Social Media Marketing

In today’s world, social media marketing has become heavily sought after, and for good reason. Not only does it reach an incredible amount of people, but also is quite inexpensive. In fact, there are around 2.77 billion social media accounts in the networks, today.

Today, we’ll take a look at some great strategies to aid you your marketing approaches in the world of social media.

Be Interactive

Engagement is perhaps the most important element when it comes to social media marketing. Being a “social” platform, social media business accounts should always drive to constantly involve the consumer in some way. Whether that be in a giveaway, trivia, discounts, asking for feedback, etc…it will be a driving force in your marketing scheme.

The reason this becomes so large is due to its versatility. Interaction doesn’t always have to direct in some sort of financial profit. For example, it can be used to generate a larger consumer base and build a positive respect towards your company’s name. One thing to keep an eye out though is using URL’s as a part of you’re marketing scheme. For Twitter, 6/10 readers on average completely ignore URLs, so just be weary of that.

Have a Variety

Obviously if you want to market on social media, you won’t have just one account. For the most part, you’ll want to take advantage of every platform you can. The social media “giants” to go after are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Having a page on each of these three platforms will greatly boost your chances of having success in marketing on social media.

Almost think of those three as the “standards” to engage with. The key here though is to make sure you diversify these three social media accounts. You should really have three seperate marketing plans when it comes to your ideas. With this, you’ll be able to expand on your company’s image.

Post Management

When it comes to actually posting, make sure you are clear and consistent on the information you are choosing to post. There are many cases when professional accounts either under or over post, which can directly result in interaction and follower numbers diminishing.

In order to avoid this, you must set your tempo immediately from your first few posts. Also, with this, make sure within your first week of being active, you have your post number stay consistent. What this means if you post 4 times a day, make sure that number every day stays around that margin. This will vary from each social media platform. So be aware of that as well.

Use Images Often

You can have all the text you want, but nothing will catch a viewer’s eye more than a picture and/or video. However, it is best to use images as it will take much less time to view a photo than it would a video. In fact, you will receive 2.3 times the engagement on average if you include a photo in your post. That is closing on triple the amount of a standard, text post!

If you wish to share ideas or need some advice on social media please feel free to connect on LinkedIn.


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