
Using Social Media to Grow Your Brand And Message

Social media is an invaluable source for any brand in today’s digital age. It’s very rare you’ll find a brand who doesn’t have an online presence and many products and services are found by a quick and easy Google search.

So you have an idea and have a passion to see it grow, but where do you start? Social media can be a daunting place if you don’t know where to go, so find below some tips to help you grow your brand on social media to help you get seen by the people that really matter!

Create a strategy

An idea without a plan is just a dream. Sit down and figure out what your plan for your brand is and the elements you’ll need to succeed (such as logos, heading photos, etc). Create a plan for each social media platform you intend to use and see how your competition is performing. From here you can see what works and what doesn’t work before you set up your own profiles. You’ll be much better armed to face the world of social media marketing if you come at it with a concrete plan.

Social Media Strategy Guide

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Your online brand presence is more important than ever.

From setting up the right social accounts for your business, to creating high performing marketing content, learn how to effectively manage your community and reap the benefits of social media.

Looking for support from a social-first digital agency? Get in touch with 123 Internet Group!

Brand voice/identity

Before you start marketing yourself on social media, it’s important to figure out your brand voice. This sets the tone for each of your campaigns going forward and it’s important for this to remain consistent throughout your branding. There are some factors and questions to ask yourself to help find your brand’s voice:

1. Tone: Be clear to followers about what your brand is communicating. Are you carefree and fun or formal and serious?

2. Language: A young and hip brand can get away with using more slang and a niche brand can use acronyms and industry-specific jargon. Make sure your language caters to your target audience!

3. Purpose: Why is your brand on social media? Are there to educate, sell, or entertain?

Stephanie Schwab’s article on Finding your Brand Voice has more helpful tips for you to help nail your brand’s voice.


It’s okay if you’re not a graphic designer! In this day and age, everyone can create compelling logos and visuals to use across your social media. Free apps like Canva allow users to find templates that range from logos to flyers and even posts for each social media platform. If you’re feeling extra creative, you can always start on a blank slate and Canva will help you find the right elements to build your perfect vision.

Utilise various sources

Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter all have their own benefits. While Twitter caters to shorter blocks of text, platforms like LinkedIn see lengthier and more in-depth posts succeed. Instagram caters to the visual while its IGTV feature helps you create longer video content for users. If you want to focus on one form of social media when you’re just starting out, it might be beneficial to pick one (either Facebook or Instagram are the better options) before branching out. The aim should be to have a presence on each of these platforms that ties into the next point…


Algorithms love consistency. If you stick to a schedule and post at times that are sure to gain more engagement, then you’re more likely to bring traffic to your profiles and website. If you’re struggling to keep up with a consistent schedule, consider using a Content Management System (CMS) like HubSpot or SproutSocial. These systems make it easy for you to plan, create, post, and even monitor the analytics of your online campaigns.

Visual branding

Forbes reported that in 2018 an average user spends 88% more time on a website with video and retains 95% of the information they receive in a video (as opposed to only 10% over text). This number is growing by the year and 2020 seems to be the year of TikTok. Barring the ban of the app in the US, using TikTok as a way to brand yourself visually is a great way to reach audiences you might not have thought of. While the app is predominantly Gen Z, it’s userbase is starting to skew older as more adults are using the app to market themselves. You could be next! There are many tutorials and external apps you can use to make TikTok work for you and your business.

Improve search engine ranking

At first, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can seem confusing. Social media can (and will) help your brand if you make sure to keep posting relevant content to your brand. By using these keywords in your posts and on your website, you’re driving clicks that will eventually turn into leads and customers. Here’s Google’s SEO Starter Guide that will help you get the basics of optimization down. They also offer courses and certificates in the fundamentals of digital marketing that will help you learn the best ways to grow your brand online and keep those leads coming in.

Be a human being

Stop trying to sell people your product or service and start connecting with them as human beings. By telling a compelling story and interacting with your audience in a meaningful way, you’re opening the door for natural engagement that will sell itself in the long run. People trust brands they can connect with and if they know there’s a human being responding to their comments or inquiries then you’ve got a customer for life.

This LinkedIn blog post by Deanna Lazzaroni puts it perfectly by asking one simple question: Would you grab a bite with your brand? If your tone is too formal and corporate, that wouldn’t make for a good lunchtime conversation partner. You want to be able to answer that question with a big resounding “yes!”. Let your personality shine through and speak for itself when you’re interacting with your audience.

Now it’s your turn! Armed with the tools and tips you need to grow your brand, it’s time to forge your identity in the digital landscape and make your vision a reality.


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The Ultimate Social Media Guide

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