
Top LinkedIn Features You Should Be Using Right Now

LinkedIn is fast becoming the go-to platform for businesses and brands wanting to get content seen by their target audience. In fact, some LinkedIn features are a favourite amongst our social media team.

Gone are the days when LinkedIn was just a social networking platform for professionals. Nowadays, it’s used for building credibility, building interest and trust, and creating a plausible network.

Check out my previous article: The Importance of Using LinkedIn as a Company

LinkedIn is also continually introducing new and innovative features to help support social media managers, brands, companies, and freelancers alike.

Here are some top LinkedIn features you should be using:

Adding your web link to your profile

Everyone has added ‘coloured rings’ to their photo by now and hopefully used the video profile feature to upload a short snappy video introducing yourself?

LinkedIn has finally rolled out the ability to add website links directly to your contact information. Why is this helpful? Not only does this mean your website is much easier to find with just one click (just like on Instagram), but you can also edit the text into an eye-catching call to action, encouraging people to click through to your website.

There are plenty of other ways you can improve your LinkedIn profile. Be sure to use relevant keywords and hashtags throughout your profile and use a clear and professional profile photo. It’s also a good idea to share a bit of personality too – don’t be afraid to talk about your personal achievements or anything you’re particularly proud of.

You can even update your LinkedIn profile URL to something more customised and related to what you do. Think of a fun way to describe yourself, such as “social media stud” or “queen of design”!

Posting in LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn groups are a fantastic way to find and engage with relatable content and other professionals in your sector. You can also use these groups to share and showcase your own content, as well as insightful comments and questions, which is great for engagement.

By sharing content via LinkedIn groups, you can build credibility, find quality leads, and share in-depth insights. The key is to find groups that are most relevant to your industry and not spam them with your content.

When joining a new group, take a look at the posts already being shared and engage regularly before you start promoting your own content. That way, you can ensure whatever you post is trusted, relevant and that there is already an open, engaging discussion between yourself and the group’s participants.

Using LinkedIn Newsletters To Grow Your Audience

LinkedIn newsletters are a great way to grow your following and show off all your fantastic long-format content at the same time. Unlike feed posts, LinkedIn newsletters can be much longer in length and can feature images, videos, and articles you’ve written. Users can also subscribe for updates. Just like a newspaper or magazine, but for the digital age – much more modern and interactive.

The only downside is that you can’t track anything more than your subscriber count. But it’s still a great addition to your profile and you may find that, if you struggle to make connections, you can easily grow your subscriber list instead.

Sharing Native Video Content

Did you know that 51% of video marketers use LinkedIn video as a channel? Sharing LinkedIn native video content – videos uploaded directly on LinkedIn or created on the platform itself – is key to getting your content seen in 2022.

Unlike other videos, native video content auto-plays in your LinkedIn feed to immediately grab the reader’s eye – and we already know that video content garners more engagement than text posts.

Here’s a great content idea… Try taking a leaf out of 123’s book and share monthly roundups of what’s been going on in your company – not only will it show the faces behind your brand, but it’ll also help build trust between your business and your customers.

Getting Creative With Your Content

Though LinkedIn was originally a social networking website used to connect with like-minded professionals, in recent years the type of content being shared has become a lot more informal and relatable with the use of emojis, memes, personal anecdotes, and more. It’s important to explore what’s shared on LinkedIn and play around with your tone of voice and content style, to see what your audience best relates and responds to.

To help boost engagement, try using polls and carousel posts (by uploading your images as a PDF), as well as articles. Your activity feed should be a mix of engaging and informative content, so don’t feel shy about using emojis! Plain, long captions are much more likely to be scrolled past – catching eyes is key on all social media platforms, not just Instagram.

You should also remember to react and engage with other people’s content too. It’s a two-way street.

Jumping On LinkedIn Live

There are plenty of reasons to jump on LinkedIn live and broadcast to your followers directly. Do you have a new product you want to share and show off in more detail? Or perhaps you want to announce an exciting new webinar you’ve got coming up?

LinkedIn Live is a great way to make your followers feel more exclusive, like they’re among the first to hear the latest news within your company. Additionally, if you’ve run out of content ideas or your profile feed is looking a little empty, it’s a good way to show up and remind your followers that you’re still there.

Publishing LinkedIn Articles

The problem that many businesses have with social media platforms is trying to get their point across in a limited word count (we’re looking at you, Twitter), or aiming to create short and snappy content that still has value.

Luckily, LinkedIn articles solve that problem. LinkedIn articles are just like any other article – basically longer, in-depth posts with a longer character limit of 120,000 characters, which can include images, videos, and other rich media – much like a blog post!

Use LinkedIn articles to share industry insights and expertise, advice for professionals in your sector, case studies, or even existing blogs from your site.

Whilst LinkedIn proudly holds on to all the good it does for professionals, job seekers, and employers, it’s also fast becoming a much more creative social space, both for business and individuals to promote themselves.

Now owned by Microsoft, LinkedIn is a great lead generation tool and content platform for businesses large and small. From growing your brand and building credibility within your industry, to winning new contracts and clients, it’s crucial that your business has an active presence on LinkedIn.

Need more support? 123 Internet Group also offer expert social media training services, content management and scheduling, and personalised LinkedIn outreach programs to help you successfully widen your network and target prospects. Book a free consultation today!


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